Our Board of Trustees

Rick McCourt - Trustee
Rick McCourt was appointed to the position of Trustee by the County Commission on 5/5/20. His term of office expires in May, 2022. He is a graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point. He commissioned as a Field Artillery officer and later attended Rotor Wing training. After his service, he worked a several management positions while living in California, ending as the Safety Director for a heavy civil construction company. He and his wife moved to Gallatin River Ranch in January 2019.
Wendy Ward - Trustee
Wendy Ward was elected to a three-year term that will expire in May, 2023. She works professionally as a bookkeeper. She has a long-standing knowledge about the Fire District and has worked as its bookkeeper since 2018.

Spencer Millimen - Trustee, Chair, Reserve Volunteer Supervisor
Spencer Millimen was appointed to the Board of Trustees in January, 2017. On 5/2/2017 he was elected to complete the term to which he was appointed to, which expires in 2020. He was elected to Chair the Board in May, 2019. He became a reserve volunteer in March, 2018 and is the Reserve Volunteer Supervisor. He retired from his position as a detective with the Columbus, Ohio, police department in 2015.

Richard Anderson, DVM - Trustee, Board of Trustees Vice Chair
Dr. Anderson was appointed to the Board of Trustees in September, 2018. He was ratified to serve the remainder of a term that will end on 5/3/2022. He was elected Vice Chair in May 2019 and will continue in that role during FY 2021. Dr. Anderson is a long-time resident of the Gallatin River Ranch Rural Fire District. He is a retired veterinarian.
Election of Trustees
Trustees are elected to three-year terms of office. The terms are staggered on a three-year cycle. Election are conducted each May. Pursuant to MCA 13-1-502(4)(a) and 12-1-502(4(a)&(b), an election is only held if the number of candidates exceeds the number of positions to be filled at the election. If the number is equal to or less than the number of positions to be filled by the election, the election administrator shall cancel the election and the governing body shall declare the candidate elected by acclamation. The cost of each election is charged to the fire district.
In the event of a trustee resignation, the Gallatin County Election Department advertises the open position in the Bozeman Chronicle and then allows 30 days for candidates to file self-nomination papers to the Election Department. At the end of those 30 days, the applications are forwarded to the Gallatin County Commission for consideration of appointment. If there are multiple applicants, the Commission will consider them all; the candidates are allowed to attend the Commission meeting at which the appointment will be made. The Commission will then appoint a new trustee, who will serve the balance of time remaining on the 3-year term of office of the trustee who resigned.
Board Responsibilities
The Board of Trustees is elected by the voters of the fire district to represent those voters and supervise the management of the Gallatin River Ranch Fire Department. The trustees meet on the third Tuesday of each month to review monthly financials and reports and to monitor progress of projects underway in the department. The Fire Chief, Executive Assistant, and Supervisors report to the Board of Trustees. The Board establishes district policies and reviews department policies and procedures as needed. The Board establishes the yearly budget and handles the fiscal affairs of the department.
Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public and are announced in two locations where Fire District residents can become aware of the meetings. The meetings and announcements comply with Montana Open Meeting statutes.